The Master of Theological Studies is open to students with a qualifying BA in any discipline. The MATS is a 60 academic hours program in by completing 57 academic credits in Bible, Theology, Ministerial, History/Missions, Humanities and Electives, and one 3 credit hour MATS thesis.
Bible 6 courses (18 credits)
Theology 3 courses (9 credits)
Ministerial Studies 3 courses (9 credits)
History/Missions 3 courses (9 credits)
Humanities or Electives 4 courses (12 credits)
MATS Thesis 1 course (3 credits)
All students will write a thesis consisting of a commentary on a book of the Bible of approximately 75 pages. Each nation has its program 66. The choosing of one's Bible book is coordinated with a master list that is available by writing to the International Academic Dean. The thesis can count as a Bible course or a humanity course.